Moving Forward?

During the Fall of 2022 when AI art systems like Midjourney, Dall-E, and Stable Diffusion swept the art community off its feet, many designers and artists were taken aback and were unsure of what the future held. We asked, “Will we be replaced? Or, Is this the end of art as we know it?”

 As an opportunity to educate myself and provide an easily digestible handbook for others, “Moving Forward?,” was my response to the whirlwind of chaos that ensued during those months. This research-based publication takes a deep dive into the structure of AI systems, diffusion models, datasets, ethics, and a study of copyright laws and lawsuits surrounding AI art systems.


As a longform typesetting exercise, I chose to typeset the script of Christopher Nolan’s film, Interstellar. This project also served as an opportunity to continue improving my typesetting, but also as an opportunity to design my own display typeface.